Well, there were some good reasons (interviewing for, negotiating about and accepting a new job; planning a weekend to London, a possible fortnight in Paris - not happening- and a three-week holiday to Vietnam) and some not-so-good ones (learning how to use my new camera so I can post pics here- but why did that stop the words?- and a dodgy internet connection- mostly because I am STILL freeloading off my neighbors' wifi). But now I'm back. Some random stuff to get you -me...- up to date:
Had nice all-you-can-eat Japanese food at Rotterdam's Sumo (sorry, link in Dutch only) yesterday with some colleagues. Not spectacular, but fresh and the company was great.
Had lovely sushi at Sushi (again, Dutch only) in Amsterdam a few weeks early. Am having dreams about eating more Japanese food, so I am guessing my near future will see plenty more sticky rice, raw fish and teriyaki sauce.
Baked Alice Water's soda bread today (recipe found via Oswego Tea) and Smitten Kitchen's wholewheat apple muffins. Mmmmm to the latter- I want to wrap myself in their moist, cinnamon-y, apple-y goodness. I didn't even care (much) that they flattened themselves into cake-disks because I don't own a muffin pan. But what's up with the bread? I was prepared for it to be dense, but what's with the faintly fishy smell? It was okay drenched in basil oil, covered in tomato slices and heaped with cottage cheese, but definitely not a winner by itself.
Am currently obsessed with anchovies (no, they went nowhere near my soda bread before it started smelling funny- I promise), fried onions and salted rice crackers. My blood vessels are probably not loving my food obsessions as much as I am...
Also, have only two more weeks left at my old job. Must bake something delicious as a goodbye. What a lovely excuse to bake muffins, brownies and cakes left, right and centre. Must practice!
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